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Terramoto - Capelinhos

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Indie Instrumental Letra T
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Em 1957, a erupção do vulcão dos Capelinhos atraiu a atenção mundial devido às suas características geológicas, localização e estudo. Foi a primeira erupção submarina no mundo a ser totalmente monitorizada e devidamente documentada durante toda a sua atividade.

In 1957, the eruption of the Capelinhos volcano attracted the world’s attention due to its geological characteristics, location and study. It was the first submarine eruption in the world to be fully monitored and properly documented throughout its activity.

Music by Terramoto
Recorded at Namouche, Lisboa
Mixed by Bruno Buarque
Mastered by Leonardo Nakabayashi

Through a unique blend of dark eclectic instrumentals, Terramoto craft music that resonates with the untamed cataclysms, extravagant displays and captivating oddities that define our planet's essence, while making you part of a rituel extraordinaire where you become one with the elements at their most primal. From the raw power of volcanoes to the thunderous cascade of waterfalls, from the surreal tapestry of flamboyant plants to the bizarre diversity of animals that inhabit this planet we call Terra.
