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April Marmara — Who Knows Where the Love Goes

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Letra A Pop Songwriting
9 Visualizações

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From the upcoming album ‘Still Life’, out April 14th on Lay Down Recordings.
Stream/Buy “Who Knows Where the Love Goes”:


In a town far from the city, a couple met
But their love was forbidden
As their age grew older, their love grew with them too
But soon they asked themselves
‘Where does this love go?’

Well who knows where the love goes?
Who knows where the love goes?

Shortly the woman cried each night as the man
Would never write her back
And soon she found another loving man
After fifty years her husband died of age
And their children kept her safe
It was then she heard a call saying

Well who knows where the love goes?
Who knows where the love goes?

Video credits:

Production: Pipa Marinho / Lay Down Recordings
Director and DOP: Martim Braz Teixeira
1st assistan: Rodrigo Braz Teixeira
Art Director: Elisa Azevedo
Art assistant: Inês Baptista
Styling: Beatriz Diniz
Extras: Carolina Rodrigues, Catarina Falcão, Manuela Peixoto, Maria João Bilro
Edit and grading: Martim Braz Teixeira
Artwork: Joana Esteves

April Marmara - Who Knows Where the Love Goes (Official Video)
#AprilMarmara #LayDownRecordings #WhoKnowsWhereTheLoveGoes #StillLife
