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John Black Wolf & The Bandits - Breaking Along The Way

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Pop Folk Letra J
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"Breaking along the way" is a compelling song that confronts the dark reality of domestic violence. With its heartfelt lyrics and captivating melodies, it amplifies the voices of survivors, shedding light on their struggles and inspiring hope for change. Let this powerful anthem be a catalyst for breaking the silence and empowering those affected by domestic violence.

"Breaking along the way" é uma canção envolvente que confronta a dura realidade da violência doméstica. Com uma letra emocionante e melodia cativante, o tema amplifica as vozes dos sobreviventes, lançando luz sobre as suas lutas e incutindo esperança numa mudança. Que este poderoso hino seja um catalisador para romper o silêncio e capacitar aqueles afetados pela violência doméstica.

I've called you on your phone
Cause I am feeling strange and I am alone
The one I want to be,
hides behind a mask in the crowd

It makes no sense at all,
friends may be lost along the way
it's hard to fight a cause
When you're just a spark, in the dark

I’ll rise up when I’m home,
finally, free... on my own
The place where I feel safe
In My shelter of love, there's no hate!

I tried to make it stop
but is cutting through my heart
I try to step away from all just to be apart
it hurts right from the morning, gets worse along the day
and it’s not in my hands so I can't get away
The years will go along, and one day you will see
time seems to be nothing, but it’s all to me
now that I am not here cause I needed to be free
I hope your sons and daughters don't suffer just like me

I've laid down my guns,
so, you could COME into my life
but the Devil within,
keeps calling my name in the night

face me
Get in my skin of fears
There's no turning back
and no riding the wind

I tried to make it stop
but is cutting thru my heart
I try to step away from all just to be apart
it hurts right from the morning, gets worse along the day
and it's not in my hands so I can't get away
The years will go along, and one day you will see
time seems to be nothing, but its all to me
now that I am not here cause I needed to be free
I hope your sons and daughters don't suffer just like me

like me, I break and I bleed
“I am a stranger in my life, got wings but cannot fly
Just a hurt soul in the crowd “
© 2023 John Black Wolf. All rights reserved.
