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Sardonic Witchery - Misantropia

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Black Metal Letra S
160 Visualizações

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From the album "Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual" 2020
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Encontro o caminho na escuridao
Eterno poder, sabedoria
Sigo em frente, nao olho para tras
Rejeito os meus sonhos
Minha alma morrera...em lagrimas!

Colapso com lobos do tempo
Sem esperanca de um mundo melhor
Quero gritar forte
Sacar este odio que esta dentro de mim!!!

Sozinho no meu castelo
Ergo a magia da solidao
Ja nao posso ver gente
O cheiro a hipocrisia e.....imundo!!!

Encontro o prazer na solidao
Em que me vejo dia a dia
Ja nao consigo tolerar a humanidade
E a hipocrisia do mundo
A minha alma esta vazia
E o odio corre nas minhas veias
Lucifer mestre do mundo
Guia-me ate a luz!

Misantropia, Odio eterno
Misantropia, Trono real.

Vivo no odio e na angustia de sair do meu obscuro conforto
Sem vontade de socializar com os rebanhos hipocritas da terra
Porem, nao me sinto triste tenho comigo o prazer do auto conhecimento
Desfrutando do silencio na frialdade esperando apenas ...pela morte!!!

Album credits:
KING DEMOGORGON – Rhythm and Lead Guitar, Bass Guitar, Music, Lyrics and Vocals
Special studio guests:
Miguel Santos - Studio Drums
Chris Menta - Studio guitar solos
Nebo Budor – Intro (Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual)
Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual was composed between April of 2019 and February of 2020 by King Demogorgon and recorded in 5 different studios between May and August of 2020.
The drums were recorded by Miguel Santos (Bellerophon) at HANUMAN STUDIO (PORTUGAL), Guitars and Bass were recorded by King Demogorgon at DARK THRONE STUDIOS (USA), the guitar solos were recorded by Chris Menta in his home studio (USA), the vocals were recorded by King Demogorgon at the IGNIS NOCTEM rehearsal studio (USA) and the intro (Moonlight Sacrifice Ritual) were recorded by Nebo Budor at his home studio (USA).
The album were mixed and mastered by Bruno Silva at HANUMAN STUDIO (PORTUGAL)!
Front Art design by Leonard Selzler

Available in November/ December 2020 by:
-Deluxe Digipack CD by War March Records (USA)
-Vinyl 12' by Niflhel Records (Canada)
-Cassette by Warhemic Productions (USA) and Worship Tapes (Germany)
