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The Happy Mess - Love Is a Strange Thing

Adicionado há by Manuel Melo em Pop Letra T
47 Visualizações

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Realização e Direcção de fotografia - David Francisco
Assistência à Produção - Nuno Francisco
Make-Up e Cabelos - Marisa da Anunciação
Styling - Ana Fontinha
Edição - Maria João Carvalho
Color Grading - David Francisco

agradecimento especial - Cris Simões e Carlos Alexandre

Uma produção Moopie 2017 ©


Break me down, break me down
Make It Easy On Yourself
Break me down, break me down
Or I'll never fall in love

Let´s dance together, on a stormy weather
Skin to skin, on a stormy weather

They were saying on tv, love is... In The Little Things

Love is a strange thing

Take me down, Take medown
with your black trouble-dress
Let´s drink some wine
without regrets

Let me take you through my town,
Let me read you all my books
let me take you up and down
let me show you all the roofs

They were saying on tv, love is... In The Little Things

So why don´t you stay close to me?
Right here, this close to me

Love is a strange thing

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